Based on the work of Randal Churchill, this is a method that combines Gestalt dreamwork together with hypnosis. The dreamer is allowed a deeper experience of the dream itself so that they may find the unique relationship of the dream to his or her own existential experience. Where the vast majority of dreamwork methods rely on analysis and interpretation, this work does not involve any external arbitrary analysis but allows your own inner wisdom its voice in interpretation.
Why Hypnosis and Dreams ?
The combination of dream work and hypnosis is truly a profound and transforming experience where the healing nature of dreams, and the potential of hypnosis as a therapeutic and personal growth tool, comes to the fore. This type of regression is recommended to anyone wishing to seek self-knowledge and actualisation. Even a sliver of a memory of a dream can be useful in this work. This is an exciting and ever so personal exploration of your subconscious mind where you get to unlock and know the secrets of your dreams.