Believe it or not you can use your dreams to solve a particular problem and find creative solutions to your dilemmas.
Intentionally trying to dream about a particular problem is called "dream incubation". This technique was used once by the Ancient Greeks to try and find cures to their illnesses. In modern times Western Psychology uses it a bit differently, here's how:
- Summarize your problem in one sentence and write it down on a piece of paper or notepad. Put the piece of paper on your bedside table. Keep a pen and paper handy together with a flashlight.
- Optional: if you have any objects associated with the problem put them on your bedside table or somewhere you can see them while lying down.
- Before going to bed read the piece of paper and concentrate on what you want to solve for 5 minutes or so.
- Once you're lying down in bed visualize the problem as vividly as possible and condense it into one single visual representation / image
- Optional: picture yourself dreaming about the problem , waking up and then writing down the solution on your notepad
- Tell yourself aloud 3 times that you want to dream abut the problem and then repeat in your mind as you drift off to sleep.
- When you wake up lie down quietly before getting up. Write down whether you remember any trace of a dream and if so invite more details to return. Move as little as possible from the original position you woke up in. Write down any impressions.
- Repeat this procedure every night. You should get results within 1 week.